FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-

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FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-
FTMD 2010
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KMA, 25 March 2009 "Bloody Valentine"

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KMA, 25 March 2009  "Bloody Valentine" Empty KMA, 25 March 2009 "Bloody Valentine"

Post by antariksawan Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:52 am

they were addicted

to a piece of chocolate

makes them asphyxiated

when no happiness penetrate

they fly so high

sent by a bouquet

losing their sight, and right...

Fly and explode like a rocket

evil comes

like an intruder

growing and adapting

holding then controlling

here is my bullet

you're my target

this is what'll you get

a gift you won't forget...

Don't you realise? You've been trapped

one two three

yup you already died...


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Tanggal Lahir : 17.10.92
Join date : 21.11.10
Age : 32

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