FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-

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FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-
FTMD 2010
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KMA, 14 January 2009 "Au Revoir"

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KMA, 14 January 2009  "Au Revoir" Empty KMA, 14 January 2009 "Au Revoir"

Post by antariksawan Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:56 am

Rain was falling from the sky
when i turned and say good bye

your eyes showed me your deepest pain
i'm sorry it's hard to back again

i can't stop to remember
memories that we had made together

now i'll kiss you and please let me go

i don't wanna see your tear
please don't cry oh my dear

the rain has gone...
bring our love, and everything it has done...

i know it's very hard for us
turn our memories into ash

oh...forgive me
now please leave me...

Close you're eyes
and Count...
un, deux, trois...

Can you hear my whisper?
Au revoir...


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Join date : 21.11.10
Age : 32

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