FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-

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FTMD 2010
Hayo buru daftar dan ajak temen-temen yang lain! -Admin-
FTMD 2010
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KMA, 23 December 2008 "Little Dreamer's Pray"

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KMA, 23 December 2008  "Little Dreamer's Pray" Empty KMA, 23 December 2008 "Little Dreamer's Pray"

Post by antariksawan Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:04 pm

Rain... Please fall tonite...

Blew by the wind
blow up my every sin
wait for the rain
which will wash my pain

stars, please shine tonite

light up her day
light up her way
oh shining ray
please erase this grey

god, please protect her, i pray...

send your angels
to keep her save when her eyes closed
send your angels
to blow the nightmare away when she tired

darkness come and lift me up... It's time to go home...
Means i need to go to bed...
If she cries that's my bad...

Here comes the sunshine.


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